
2007-07-03 7:41 am
本人在大學經濟系畢業現想投身銀行back office工作, 尚未能決定在銀行那方面發展, 但找工時又常常看見銀行工大多要求有些certificate or 考過某些試才聘請. 是否有一些試或certificate我應先考取或有些大路些的課程應先報讀使我容易投身這一行呢?

回答 (3)

2007-07-03 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
你去The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers個WEB,睇下,有關銀行介的COURSE同EXAMINATION DETAILS, 以前我係BANK到做有心向呢方面發展的同輩都去這地方的....
The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (The HKIB) has been serving the local banking community in the provision of education and training since 1963. In 1995, with the encouragement and support of the local banking community, the Institute declared its independence from its parent institute in UK. With an independent status, the Institute is able to better serve the training needs of the bankers in the region and to reflect the importance of Hong Kong as an international financial center.
The continuous professional development program, which comprises of professional examinations and training courses, has helped bank employees to make advancements in their banking career, and is valued by most of them who are determined to strengthen their knowledge base.
In view of the changing landscape of the banking industry in Hong Kong, the importance of continuous professional development and education in this competitive financial market has gained increasing attention. The professional examinations and training programs are offered for members or bank staffs to equip with the essential skills and knowledge to help them "fast-track" their management career.
2007-07-07 3:45 am
想做Back Office, 會較難. 依家銀行普遍請Front Line, 如Customer Service Officer, Financial Planning Officer等等, 新入職的人工分分鐘多過Internal, 今年BOC我知佢地CSO已經有12K !!
Anyway, Front Line要跑數, 始終較辛苦~ 點都唔及Back Office咁舒服~~
想高薪, 當然考CPA 或者CFA 啦~
CFA 要考三年, 不過考完分分鐘可以入I-BANK~
PRM 則係FOR RISK MANAGEMENT, 呢個都唔錯, 近排勁需要人手
CPA 唔駛問啦~ 幾時都要人, 睇下BIG4就知LA~
最快考到的, 試下HKSI的PAPER 1,7,8 即證券及期貨從業員資格考試, 個個月有試後, 自己溫完可以考~ 考完就有牌, 依家好多想從事金融行業的大學生都考左~~
2007-07-05 7:48 am
e-mail: [email protected]

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