What isrelation between MSE(mean square error) and variance

2007-07-03 6:08 am
Can any one explain the relation of MSE (mean square error) and variance


回答 (1)

2007-07-04 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
MSE(t) is a weighted average of the squares of the distances between t and the class marks with the relative frequencies as the weight factors. Thus, the best measure of the center, relative to this measure of error, is the value of t that minimizes MSE.

1. Note that MSE is a quadratic function of t. Thus, the graph of MSE is a parabola opening upward.

2. The variance is the minimum value of MSE and that this minimum value occurs only when t is the mean.

我諗.... 可以咁講 ....
MSE 係一個 用估計既 mean (t) 計出對應既 error 值 ....
同 variance 同一條式 但以 t 代替 真正既 mean ....
MSE(mean) = variance

下面個網址有相關既式 ... 睇左就應該明 ....

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