
2007-07-03 4:54 am
照題~~ 一分鐘時間要講完~~

回答 (3)

2007-07-04 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the summer holiday, I prefer doing outdoor activities to stay at home. Therefore, I will go shopping usually. Also, I will play table-tennis with my friends in the sports centre. Moreover, I have participated in some activities-classes that can enrich myself. On the other hand, I will travel around Europe in a few days with my family too. It is the most important activity which can relax myself. I will also seldom listen to music and play computer games.

^~^ 一分鐘一定夠, 因為我都試過自己計時朗讀, 而且我英文語言水平極佳, 所以一定冇grammatical mistakes同埋wrong sentence patterns等.

^@^ My answer is extremely professional. I hope I can help you.
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + My Experience + My Professional
2007-07-05 2:00 am
in this summer holiday, i am planning to take on Japanese and French courses because i want to learn more different languages other than English. As this holiday is relatively long, i think i should do something helpful and interesting, therefore i am going to help in the Youth Centre in my local area as a volunteer. I enjoyed it very much in the previous years, the children are lovely and adorable there, and it is fun to go out on a activity with the others during the summer holiday.

this would be 1 min long.. hope i can help you~!!
參考: myself
2007-07-03 7:12 am
You should do your homework yourself...... = ="
參考: Common sense

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