
2007-07-03 4:32 am
我次次上佢堂,都係好難先get到佢d point
而佢ge作風一向係教考試內容為主加埋佢自創ge skill
唔係考試個d就唔教,而學佢d skill一向都要好好ge底子
而我個底子一向都係唔多好,講真,中六就已經操past paper
除左係o.ten之外,有冇d好介紹,我唔想一味賴d skill

回答 (4)

2007-07-03 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
我上年UE fail, 今年補Patrick Chan, 終於pass 了^^
雖然d 人成日話 Patrick 要係英文底好既人先好補,
佢上堂幾乎 0 廢話, 一堂學到好多野,
但因為我d 英文底唔好,
睇 + 學 d 自己會明, 作文時會識得用番出黎既句子,

而最重要既係, Patrick 不斷鼓勵你多睇多聽多做.
上佢堂你唔會見到 d 咩野"必A Skill" 果d 野囉~

上堂會限時同你做d section C, 冇形中迫你做多d.
又會派d 文比你番去睇, d 文對我作文同Oral 真係好有用.

不過始終都係果句, 補邊個都唔係最重要,
抄哂d notes, 番屋企唔睇都冇用嫁!!!
比心機, 希望你下年都有好成績!!^^
2007-07-07 7:31 pm
我之前有補d 小型的補習社
但係只係usage的paper lor 作文令到我個grade down了好多

我上過cecilia tong 的堂,我覺得幾好
尤其鐘意佢 俾d 「靚」字你replace 番d 常用字
仲有一d 句型 在5份paper 內都有用
summer course 又唔係貴 可以試下
參考: 自己
2007-07-04 6:47 am
其實你個底係差的話最好就私人補習, 我有好多朋友以前補p.chan ,最後 ue 都係得 d,e 左右,冇升過grade, eng 淨係學skill 真係用途不大, 私人補習可以針對番你既弱項黎補, 唔識教到識, 仲可以練oral, 我係中七女畢業生, 住大埔, 現幫中四及在職人士補eng, 如果你有意補習, 可以聯絡我, email/msn: [email protected]
2007-07-03 7:28 am
Hello there.
Being experienced with A Level students and aware of their problems in dealing with different papers in the A Level exam, I am happy to say that I will be able to offer you help at a reasonable rate. We organize private English lessons with content ranging from open exam preparation to professional business English. In our classes, you will get our undivided attention which means that your progress will be our main concern as to how we're going to further structure the lessons. You also have the flexibility to choose to be taught individually or to join a small group. More importantly, we are experienced at making English lessons fun and enjoyable, which means that you will improve your English skills without going through the boredom that you would suffer in ordinary English lessons. If you're interested and determined to go beyond the grade that you're expecting to get in A Level, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. You may also add me to your MSN so we can discuss it further.

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