什麼叫做chord tone??咁佢同scale有咩關係???

2007-07-03 3:52 am
什麼叫做chord tone??咁佢同scale有咩關係???
請詳細解釋咩叫chord tone...
仲有解釋一下chord tone同scale有咩重要既關係...

回答 (2)

2007-07-06 9:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
chord tone係chord的組成音,如C chord 既chord tone有C,E,G,Fm chord 有F,Ab,C etc...

scale係音階,由故定的音程組成,如major scale的音程組成係
d r m f s l t d
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

chord tone同scale既關係,scale係和弦組成的原材料,ex... if c key....d r m f s l t = C D E F G A B ......do chord is d, m, s,...so.. C chord = CEG.... CEG are the chord tone of C chord.....and they are from C major scale
2007-07-05 12:22 pm
An octave can be divided equally into twelve semitones, known as:
while T is a whole tone, (two semitones) and S stands for a semitone.

A scale is actually the leaping of tones within one or more octaves, and the pattern conserves through the whole scale.

Let's take a look on the piano, the high C is an octave higher than the middle C, if you press the white key from the middle C to the high C,
it sounds CDEFGAB
as do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do

and this is the C major scale.
You can easily find out that if the two tones are T apart, for instance, C and D, the two keys have a key in-between them, (including the black keys); for B and C, they are directly in contact, and thus is a semitone apart.

There are too many kinds of scale, can't tell all here.

I am not familiar with the system of the ABRSM, a chord tone comes from the chord, that is, C, E, G & B are chord tones of a C major seventh chord.
But if the chord tone is related to the scale, it may be the diatonic tones, the tones come from the scale.

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If yes, sorry to disappoint you, the above information is completely useless, you had better send me a letter to inform me.

Please feel free to send me a letter if you have further questions.
參考: Books and lecturers.

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