
2007-07-03 1:09 am
in recent years some universities in hong kong admitted a number of students because of their achievement in non-academic areas such as sports music.,the performing arts and community service .although they did not meet normal university entry requirments. It reflects that examinations are not the only criterion to determine who can or can not study in university

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2007-07-03 1:19 am
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參考: 自己
2007-07-03 4:38 am
2007-07-03 1:26 am
近年來 ,雖然有些學生沒有達到一般大學入學要求,但因為他們的成就,在非學術領域 例如體育,音樂,演藝界及社會服務,所以有些香港的大學錄取了一定數量的學生. 這反映出考試不是唯一的標準決定誰可以或不可以讀大學.
參考: me

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