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有人咁答過, 不過係投票中, 未係新知識, 亦睇唔到報料人係邊個. 但我上Google maps睇過, 又真有其事, 所以我係buy既.
The name is “Las Bardenas Reales.”It’s situated on the north of Spain inside Navarra, where there is a very big contrast between the green and mountainous panorama of the Pyrenees in the north and the southern desolate and desert landscape. And you can pass from one to other just driving 80 km. The landscape can be described as a cuesta landscape with mesa shaped highs, steep slopes and deeply dissected valleys.
http://i1.trekearth. com/photos/834/img_1 960d.jpg
http://www.trekearth .com/gallery/Europe/ Spain/photo230120.ht m