
2007-07-02 6:26 pm
我想問 , Poly嘅HD ( HD in Social Work )係咪可以銜接上返Poly 嘅 degree 課程架?

BU嘅副學士(新聞學)係咪可以銜接BU嘅 degree (新聞學)啊 ?

回答 (1)

2007-07-02 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It depends on two criteria:
Good results of the diploma and the availability of the place of the degree.

Firstly, you have to get very good scores in your diploma in order to compete with other candidates;

secondly, as the place for the degree which you decide to mark up will be very very limilted, your scores and the demand of the degree will affect your sucess of application for transfer.

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