How to incresase the chances of getting pregnant?

2007-07-02 4:52 pm
Hi all... This really make me headache....
both of us are under 30 and healthy...we have been trying more than half year base on calculating the menstruation cycle but still didn't work....

Can anybody can help on this? is that any other way to get pregnant easily? Thanks~

my husband did not prefer to go to doctor....he said just be natural.... but i want to try other method before going to the doctor.

回答 (2)

2007-07-02 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are multiple things more than following the ovulation cycle.

Keep following the cycle but try to do the following:

For both of you:
1. Sleep early, 11pm is already too late.
2. Regular excerise, not excessive, just moderate exceries
3. Eat healthy, don't eat too much fatty foods, fast foods all the time. Eat more vegies and lean meats, eat at the same time everyday to have a good habit.
4. Try not to stress too much, stress at work reduce the chance of pregnancy. Stressing out trying to have baby also no good. Try to be relax.
5. Do not drink alcohol and cigarettes (even 2nd hand smoke).
6. Ideally, if you follow the ovulation cycle, you should know when is the best time to try. Therefore, organise a romantic trip away from home. Go to a relex hotel or resort for that week and keep trying. Remeber, the key is to be RELAX and stress free.

For the guy:
1. Talk to your doctor before you follow this advice, take Zinc supplement tablets, that "might" help to boost the sperm activities level
2. Don't wear tight pants, undies. Better start wearing boxer shorts and loose pants.
3. Don't take HOT shower or bath, too hot will slow down the movement of sperms. Try to keep down there cool most of the time.
4. check your sperm count at the doctor, as long as you have fertiled sperm, you will be ok, don't worry about what they said about your sperm level.

For the girl:
1. Talk to your doctor, check your body and make sure you have all the vaccinations
2. I guess you have spoken with your doctor about your ovulation cycle, if not, do that.
3. You should already start taking folate as supplement, if not, talk to the doctor before you do so.
4. try avoiding caffine found in coffee and tea.

Anyway, GOOD LUCK there :)
參考: been there, done that.
2007-07-02 4:56 pm
Did you get the advice of doctor?

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