HKU space asso ba 升上degree (bba&ba)o既gpa要幾多呀?(15分)!!!

2007-07-02 8:22 am
HKU space asso ba係唔係可以升上hku ba架?
HKU space asso ba 升上degree (bba&ba)o既gpa要幾多呀?(有幾多人可以升到呀?)
咁HKU space asso ba升上其他大學bba(city,poly,bu)o既gpa又要幾多呀?(有幾多人可以升到呀?)

and project,course work,presentation o既要求係點??難唔難架??

回答 (3)

2007-07-02 9:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1:HKU space asso ba係唔係可以升上hku ba架?
ANS: 唔係一定得,但升hku ba機會比其他asso大一點。

Q2:HKU space asso ba 升上degree (bba&ba)o既gpa要幾多呀?(有幾多人可以升到呀?)有冇d咩例子呀?
ANS: 其實年年唔同,仲有non-jupas看好多因素,如果asso year1會睇埋alevel成績,year2的話就主要看cgpa即係2年asso gei 成績,至於gpa要幾多我只係年今year1的話最少要3.8/4.3, (升hku ba), hku nursing會收得低少少但要interview,應該冇人知道hku ba收space幾多人除左hku,我只知non-jupas入hkuba有百幾人。

今年有人year1gpa4.2/4.3 alevel full cert 有hku ba conditional offer
有人year1 gpa3.8幾 alevel full cert 有hku ba conditional offer
仲有hku ba好大佢分好多毎department,每個department都收少少人所以好難知佢收幾多分

Q3:咁HKU space asso ba升上其他大學bba(city,poly,bu)o既gpa又要幾多呀?(有幾多人可以升到呀?)

and project,course work,presentation o既要求係點??難唔難架??
ANS: 其實全部都唔難,英文好簡直係橫行。
仲有要小心識人,space有四成人係唔做野,夾正做project就死火,最好搵d 考完alevel升上去果d,始終佢地英文好d,做project認真少少,同埋最主要唔會離題。
同埋做assignment同project最好不時問下d lecturer意見,一方面睇下有冇做錯,另一方面佢會對你印象好d。至於要求~如果冇離題,主要看你有冇比俾心機做,因為d野都幾簡單,主要看你點 present出來,可以話學唔到d, 每科每個lecturer都唔同要求可以問下其他人果個lecturer d要求嚴唔嚴,同看重d咩
參考: 個人觀察
2008-05-17 12:13 am
space係咪要爆gpa先可以升返hku? 3.83咁勁都唔得??
2007-07-02 9:39 am
As i am a former space student , to tell u the truth, there is not relationship is towards promoting to HKU by studying in space , also, space 's support is not enough , such as unable to use U health care service , sport booking service , a hurge distance of borrowing book( Space only can borrow 6 books )when comparing with HKU Student(20books ),
Q1 Q2, yes , but u should at least got GPA 3.5 or above !
The 05-06 years for space student promoted to HKU is 307 student (Accord to school info )!

If u want to apply city , at least 3.3 or above u can earn the interview !
For getting a high GPA , u should always attend lesson , communicating well with your schoolmate , doing better in the presentation , asking answer the from teacher for increasing his memory towards u , also y such way , u can prove your quality !

The regulation of project,course work,presentation is different form different subject , mainly requirment is the above idea !

On the other hand , I think The higher possibility of promoting to u is the assoc of City u , also repulation means nothing !
As the environment and support is more important for support u to achieve your goal !
Good luck !
But Space is better tha poly !
As HKCC(POLYU) student unable to promote to poly u via assoc unless u got GPA 3.4 or above !

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