請問 city ge creative media 其實系讀咩ga?

2007-07-02 6:52 am
我排緊 JUPAS ge choice ...
想知清楚d creative media 其實系會讀咩ge ...
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回答 (2)

2007-07-02 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Media (BACM)


What is BACM?

This programme aims to produce graduates with creative skills in the field of media aesthetics, digital video production and post-production, digital sound recording and editing, digital animation, and multimedia applications, specializing in the areas of directing, producing, and writing for traditional and new media. It also aims to help students develop a deep understanding of the need for originality, teamwork, and the successful expression of a personal vision through various media formats. Graduates will have a deep understanding of the structures and strategies of the media industry, and will be equipped to contribute actively to its future development.

By emphasizing both the acquisition of technical proficiency as well as artistic and personal growth, the programme will help develop and extend your creative potential and capacity to imagine, facilitate the development of a cultural identity, and sharpen your understanding of the broader social environment.

Career Prospects

Graduates are qualified for a wide range of positions in the media industry, including producers, production managers, writers, directors, camera persons, editors, sound designers, special effects designers, animators, and Web designers and administrators. Graduates may have specializations in one or more of these areas, but it is likely that they will be qualified to take up positions in secondary areas of interest as well. They can expect to find employment in sectors such as film, television, and video production, advertising, Internet and multimedia design, and other areas in which there is a high demand for creative content.

About This Programme

Main Subject Areas

This degree programme stresses both theoretical and practical aspects of the media today. The core areas of study are production, writing, and aesthetics.

According to a normal three-year study plan:

The year one curriculum mainly comprises introductory courses in a wide range of areas such as: visual thinking / theory, photography, creative writing / literature, sound, and interactivity. These courses specify the basic skills and attitudes shared by all SCM graduates.

In their second year, students select one "studio" (area of specialization) and follow a highly structured, but flexible, path of study within that area. Students are also required to choose elective courses outside their own studio. Students articulated from the AAMET Programme can only choose those elective courses which they have not taken before.

The third year of study consolidates the knowledge acquired in the previous years. Students continue to take more advanced-level courses in their chosen studios while focusing their energies on a final year project.

Mode of study: Full-time

Intake target: 60

Programme Code: 1456

Minimum no. of credits required: 102

Normal duration of programme: 3 years

Programme Leader: Dr Hector RODRIGUEZ, BA New Schl. for Soc Research, MA PhD N.Y.

Contact: [email protected]

Programme Curriculum

Starting from the second year of study, students can focus on specific areas, according to their preference and interest, by entering into one of the four Studios of Specialization:

• Animation Studio

3D computer animation

character animation
procedural animation

digital visual effects
digital lighting

Studio Leader:

Mr Mike Wong

[email protected]

(852) 2784-4302

2007-07-02 7:09 am
請問 city ge creative media 其實系讀咩ga?

About the School of Creative Media

AA Media Technology、BA (Hons) Creative Media 、BSc (Hons) Creative Media、MA Media Cultures、MFA Creative Media

Do You Want a Career in Creative Media?

Creative media encompasses a wide variety of positions in the media-related fields, including animation, multimedia design, advertising, television, film, publishing, arts administration and media production and in the business and manufacturing sectors where high-end technologies are increasingly used in the production processes.

If you are interested in developing yourself in areas such as computer animation, film and video production, multimedia design, art directing, production management, screenwriting, directing, digital art, or to become a critical media scholar, the School of Creative Media is the place for you.

Our Mission

Our mission is to train a new generation of multimedia specialists, professionals who are not only skilled in the technology of digital media but who are also versed in the art of storytelling and can integrate a multiplicity of media forms.

Our students are encouraged to develop their potential in critical thinking, innovation and the capacity to integrate technology and creativity. They are also trained to understand the business environment in which media industries operate. In addition to the mastery over the technological skills, they will be well-equipped to fill the leading positions and face challenges from the ever-changing media landscape.

Artistic awareness and creativity require intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, imagination and an appreciation of an interdisciplinary approach to all fields of media production. These themes run through all of the courses taught at the School. In selecting our students, we look for those who are open-minded, with broad interests and a willingness to explore new fields and develop new skills. We advise the applicant to present a portfolio of creative work – of whatever kind – which can demonstrate his/her talents.

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