
2007-07-02 6:46 am

回答 (1)

2007-07-02 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most Chinese parents will name their newborn child with a common first or middle name, according to the pedigree, or simply to emphasize that their siblings are closely related with that common name.

Whether the parent wish to adhere to or depart from this practice depends on their desire to give the newborn more link to their siblings or provide the newborn with more individual identity and personality. The older generation will normally reject to get a different new name for the newborn.

多數中國父母會根據家譜給他們的新生子女取一個共同的中間名或最尾字和其它兄弟姐妹相同的名, 以顯示他們兄弟姐妹之間的親蜜聯繫。

是否跟隨這傳統, 或者背棄它 , 在乎父母是否希望保留這種親蜜聯繫, 還是希望給新生子女一個獨特的身分和個性。 老一代的人, 多半不會贊成新生兒取不同名字。

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