i love a girl but i'm not handsome,so times she is nice

2007-07-02 5:47 am
i love a girl but i'm not handsome,so times she is nice like a lover,but sometimes so cool.my仇人 唔知又love her,定want to 玩我,總之追緊佢,what should i do.but i,m too fat.

回答 (7)

2007-07-02 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 哈哈
2007-07-10 6:49 pm
you have to減肥,if you love her and she love you too!I am a girl,a girl do not like her boy friend fat,because her fat boy friend would make many people laught and the girl will shy.
參考: you have to know she love you or not!
2007-07-02 7:27 pm
-0-. your frd is so bad-,-trick some ppl
keep fit la!<3 support you:)
but some gal,not very mind your body^v^
never give up
2007-07-02 7:35 am
So what man! This is not a problem fat does not mean anything. If that girl is mature and she can understand what is LOVE then she can feel your heart and soul. She will make her right choice, at least she knows who is best for her is her Mr. Right. Sometimes appearance is not such important if you can show how deep is your love and what you can do for her that should be a key point. Therefore, if you really love her, just go ahead to let her know buddy. Hence, buy a present for her (e.g. diamond). Understood?
參考: mee
you are not handsome, it's no problem, when you have money,
參考: me
2007-07-02 6:10 am
你要有自信點, 唔係所有女仔都鍾意handsome, 你只要認真咁同佢講清楚就得啦!
2007-07-02 5:55 am
首先on a diet .令自己變 handsome

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