Comparing two travel destinations

2007-07-02 5:36 am
You have to choose between two different travel destinations for your next holiday. Write to a friend asking for advice on which one to choose. Describe both places and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Write 70 Words

回答 (2)

2007-07-03 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am thinking of going to either Thailand or Japan for my next holiday. Thailand is a tropical country which is hot and humid throughout the whole year , with lots of beaches and water sports. Japan is a modern country which has a moderate climate and four seasons throughout the year , with lots of shopping to do and foods to eat. It will going to be cheap and easily assessable for Thailand. But it is going to be less shopping to do and the food may not suit my appitite. Japan is going to be expensive , but it is going to be fun to shop and alot of new technology will be seen. I am not sure which one should I choose. Please advise.
2007-07-05 2:19 am
Dear xxxx,

I am planning on a holiday for the coming Christmas, I have choosen Japan and Australia as my two choices but i can't decide on which one i want to go, Can you please give me a hand??

Japan is a familiar country to us and it is an amazing place for shopping and it would be snowing~!!!! the food would be nice as well. however, i have already been to it for several times for a short term holiday, and most of the tourists places i have already been to them before, so i would have to find somewhere new in Japan. also the flight prices would be expensive because it is the peak time-- Christmas!

Australia would be quite a fantastic choice as well, as you might know, it is going to be summer during christmas time in Australia, so it will be a new experience for me!! and it has a lot of tourist attractions as well as good restaurant (seafood)!! and the flight prices might be just the same as Japan, however, i am quite scared to speak english to the people there, do you think i can manage??

Please give me your advice to help me to choose, thank you very much~!! i am looking forward to hearing from you soon~!!

xxxx (your name)
參考: it might be a bit long for 70 words... but still hope i can help you, you could delete some of the words...

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