give me some advice,please~

2007-07-02 5:28 am
Tonight,i had a romantic firework show.The show rememberance me a fun day in the past year.
In the past year,i had five of my friends,they are very kiind and honest,so our friendship were very firm,and we would tell to each other with our own secrets.
One day,we all go to the firework show,the sound of the burst is discordant but it is very beautiful,we all attracted by the alluring scene of the firework,and i took out the camera and took many classical photos,

回答 (2)

2007-07-02 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have watched a romantic firework show tonight, which reminds me of a fun day in the past.
Once, I (have,佢地”而家”仲係唔係你好朋友,係的話,應該有have)had five very kind and honest friends and our friendship were (unusually) strong . More important, we were pleased/willing to tell our own secrets with each others. We ever went to a firework show together. During the show, though the sound of the burst was discordant, we all attracted by the alluring scenes of the firework as it was very beautiful. I also took out my camera and took many classical photos which were excellent according to the descriptions of my friends.
After the firework show, we sat on the park bench near the Gold Chinese Redbud and we talked to each other. One of my friends said: ‘you know we are good friends, but all of us are studying in different school, i am afraid that our friendship can’t keep as close as now in the near future.’ His words surprised me and i felt happy in my heart because i am so important for other people. Even a little unbelievable, at that moment, i said: ‘we are good friends, right? and we all trust each others. I think we need to have confident towards our friendship, then we can be good friends forever. How do you feel?’ All of them said to me: ‘Yes, you are right.’ and one people took a joke that we were live in oneself.
Today, when i was watching the firework show, i remembered this story, although they going on their own way and we leave each other, it is still a touching experience.(although 同but唔會一齊用,唔同中文,你可以事旦用一個)

2007-07-02 8:25 am

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