呢句英文點解? 10 分

2007-07-02 5:01 am
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, I have/have not* entered into more than one contract of employment (excluding the one on pensionable terms, if any) offered by one or more government departments previously (i.e. which were expired on or after 1 December 2000), currently or pending (i.e. which have been signed but not yet to come into effect). The employment details of these contracts, including my full time employment with the Government (excluding the one on pensionable terms

回答 (3)

2007-07-02 6:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
謹此聲明,就我所知,我曾/未曾 * 簽署任何政府部門以前(即於2001年12月1 日或之前完結),現在或將會(即經已簽署而未生效)提供的聘用合約(除可領取退休金的合約外)。這些合約的聘用條件,包括我於政府的全職工作(除可領取退休金的工作外)...
2007-07-02 5:55 am
我宣布,對我的知識的最好,我/不*參與先前 (也就是哪一個被期滿在或者之上在 2000 年十二月 1 日之後) 從一或者更多政府部門得到的雇用 (排除那一在有資格領退休金的期限上,如果任何的)的超過一份契約, 現在或者當.的時候(也就是哪一個仍然已經被除了簽署不進入效果) 這些契約的雇用細節,和政府包括我的整個時間雇用(排除那一在有資格領退休金的期限上
2007-07-02 5:09 am
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, I have/have not* entered into more than one contract of employment (excluding the one on pensionable terms, if any) offered by one or more government departments previously (i.e. which were expired on or after 1 December 2000),
我宣稱,据我所知,我有或有not*被輸入超過一個或更多政府部門(除了那個以可領養老金的方式,如果其中任一)早先提供的一個雇用合同(即。 哪些是過期在或在2000 12月1日以後),
currently or pending (i.e. which have been signed but not yet to come into effect). The employment details of these contracts, including my full time employment with the Government (excluding the one on pensionable terms
當前或等待(即。 哪些簽了字,但不生效)。 這些合同就業細節,包括我的全天工作以政府(除了那個以可領養老金的方式

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