文科fresh grad可否入行做merchandiser?

2007-07-02 4:04 am
如果讀文科,對merchandiser呢個職業無認識,可否入行做merchandiser? merchandiser做d咩? 咩性格既人適合做?晉升前景如何?人工太約多少?如何真係想做呢行,有無話搵邊類公司較適合呢?

同埋如果係一個文科fresh grad,中英文Ok,但寫野唔係超好,無特別興趣,唔介意OT(但最好唔係一星期返6日,朝九晚十二la),想搵份學到野,有得升既工,可以做d咩呢(除左教書)?

回答 (2)

2007-07-08 9:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm a merchandiser for 5yrs, U grad is within requirments for buying office company, ture that this is a very tough work and very needed more OT compare with others, but if you like to learn how a business make fm the bottom to the top, then this is a very good chance for you to understanding and get involved, because some of the small company need you to handle all the process i.e fm a raw material arrangment to the shipments procedure....and if you can handle them very well for each area, then you'll be top.
2007-07-02 7:22 am
我想你應該係講緊製衣業既Merchandiser. 如果你係大學畢業, 本人覺得做此位有點waste.由於呢個位比較多是中學畢業就可以入職.

製衣業既Merchandiser好辛苦,好多野做,好大壓力,後生女我唔會支持你入行,由於製衣業已是夕陽行業,現在大部份的廠房已move to China. 沒錯,做Merchandiser好多時都要上大陸


參考: 自己! 本人曾經是Merchandiser.

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