Dressing Code

2007-07-02 1:32 am
星期二去見工,但怕人見到你著西裝會知道你去見工,想著smart casual 可以嗎?

回答 (3)

2007-07-02 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
見銀行工最好穿著西裝, 恤衫, 皮鞋, 打呔。
但你怕被人知道 (或天氣太熱)的話, 不如用袋裝住件西裝 去到先換, 因為多件西裝睇落去精神D, 認真D, 老闆都會想請你多D! 如果怕人知道你見工而冇左份工就唔抵啦!

祝你好運! 見工成功~!
參考: 自己
2007-07-04 5:44 pm
Well, if you are going to an interview with the investment bank. I think you should wear 西裝 because they are more professional than the HSBC, BOC...etc. Plus, most of jobs in the investment bank require you to have at least a university graduate.
2007-07-02 1:36 am
It depends on the job you are applying to.

I think if you are apply for officer grade or above, it is better to have a formal business dressing. i.e. with 西裝

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