
2007-07-01 11:58 pm
恆溫需要什麼technology? (請用英文回笞)

回答 (2)

2007-07-02 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
熱(高溫)恆溫器 = Positive Thermostat 凡由 0 ºC 以上如 35 ºC
冷(低溫)恆溫器 = Negative Thermostat 凡由 0 ºC 以下如 -15 ºC


A thermostat is a device for regulating the temperature of a system so that the system's temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint temperature.

I introduce the temperature regulator(Thermostat) which used a thermistor for the temperature sensor. This circuit can control a outside system


2007-07-03 02:00:34 補充:
熱(高溫)恆溫器 = Positive Thermostat 凡由 0 ºC 以上如 350 ºC
2007-07-03 11:55 pm
Constant temperature need following item
1) Thermal control parts
2) control units
3) power units

The thermal control parts need to have positve or negative sensor. Thought this sensor you will get the environment temperature that u need increase the temperature or not?

Control unit is use to sense the thermal control, when the thermal control say the temperature is high, then it give the singal to power unit to reduce the temperature. If opposite that need to increase the temperature

Power unit is use to give the environment that to increase or decrease the temperature only.

Mostly the technology is come from the control unit, hence you will hear someone says microcontroller or microprocessor. They are using on this control units parts for details operation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:35:29
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