
2007-07-01 8:21 pm

回答 (1)

2007-07-03 8:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我平時好少答作文題, 作文始終要自己黎先至學到架...
Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, or the Repulic of China. It is the centre of politics, commerce, art and culture for Taiwan. Over a million of tourists visit Taipai every year, with Japan providing the biggest number of visitors, followed by Hong Kong and then USA.
Temples and traditional chinese architectures are scattered around Taipei, and amongst them, the leading attraction is the Majestic National Palace Museum (故宮博物院), where some of the World's finest collection of antiques, jeweleries and Chinese-originated treasures are housed. Another place worth visiting is the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, which is a gorgeous monument for the first Taiwan president.
Apart from its tradtional side, Taipei, on the other hand, also has the tallest building in the world. Taipei 101 (台北101大樓), since is completion in 2004, has been a manifestation of the modern side of the city and has also became the lastest landmark of Taipei. It contains tonnes of stores for shopping and a observation deck for a birdeye view of the whole city.
Another thing famous about Taipei is its hot springs (溫泉). Yang Ming Shan National Park (陽明山) is located in the north of Taipei, where visitors can enperience a relaxing countryside walk leading to waterfalls, hot springs and volcanic craters.
After enjoying all the sight-seeing and shopping, it would be a great pleasure to taste the city's well-known food. You can choose among the highly-rated Taiwanese restaurants, or decided to try the snacks at the city's lively night markets, include famous dishes like Xiaolongbao (小籠包), Dan dan noodle (擔擔麵) and Bubble tea (珍珠奶茶). Thanks to the basutiful weather and abundant natural resources of Taiwan, visites can enjoy delicacies made from both land and sea goods, at anytime and any place over the whole year.
作得嘛嘛, 你改下啦如果唔鍾意, 希望你覺得ok~
參考: myself, I live in US and I like Taipei

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