
2007-07-01 6:05 pm
如題 : 點解所有外國人會把貓叫作「kitten」?
都有人叫貓做「kitty」咖喎 !

回答 (3)

2007-07-01 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The term kitten (Old English diminutive of cat) generally refers to a young domesticated cat that is 6 weeks old or younger.[3]
The young of species in the genus Panthera and of some other big cats are called cubs rather than kittens. Either term may be used for the young of smaller wild felids such as ocelots, caracals, and lynx, but "kitten" is usually more common for these species. Groups of domestic kittens are referred to as kindles.


Kitten at six weeks.

Caring for domestic kittens
Kittens require a diet higher in protein and fat than adult cats do.[1] From weaning until about one year of age they should be fed a diet specifically formulated for kittens. Kittens can be touched or held when a lot of fur is visible and kitten(s) are walking. Most veterinarians recommend that kittens be vaccinated against common illnesses beginning at 2-3 months of age (FVRCP 8 weeks; FVRCP 12 weeks; FVRCP, rabies and sterilization at 16 weeks) and spayed or neutered at 4-8 months of age.[citation needed] Some veterinarians will spay or neuter kittens as young as 6-8 weeks and weighing at least 2 pounds (approx. 1 kg); the practice is particularly common in animal shelters so that kittens can get into the adoption area sooner.[citation needed] Kittens should also be wormed against roundworms at about 4 weeks.


A ginger kitten.


A litter of Manx kittens
2007-07-01 6:19 pm
2007-07-01 6:10 pm
Kitten = baby cat, not all cats.
參考: Myself

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