
2007-07-01 8:49 am
請問有咩好D既名牌男士銀包?? 唔要LV, Gucci, BV, 但又咁上下qulity. Around $ 2000 to 3000. 真皮, e.g. 義大利 or 法國, 可以綱上order or internation store.
Thank you so much!!

回答 (2)

2007-07-01 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢個係次選(因你要真皮)DIOR HOMME今年出既都幾靚架!

參考: me
2007-07-02 5:38 am
Goyard, whose canvass I prefer over Louis Vuitton;

Hermes, whose leather and craftmanship is first-rate;

Valextra, the Italian version of Hermes, which I actually prefer over Hermes because it's less popular and more exclusive (so many people have Hermes nowadays). Craftsmanship is second-to-none. (At Landmark)

Other high-end makers include:
John Lobb (at the old Mandarin Oriental),
Berluti (at Prince's Building),
JM Weston (at IFC).

Some high-end English makers that you can order online:
Swaine Adeney & Briggs (the best English bridle leather and craftsmanship),
Smythson (also at Harvey Nichols).

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