jupas轉choice (20分) 十萬火急 !!!

2007-07-01 8:45 am
jupas轉choice (20分) 十萬火急 !!!
Che C
Phy D
Maths & Stat (AS) C
(我會考20分, )

1st HKU Bachelor of Science
2nd CU Hotel and Tourism Management
3rd BU Human Resources Management

咁樣排會唔會太博?? (不用怕hurt到我..)

好急, thx !!

回答 (4)

2007-07-01 9:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
cu個hotel man基本上冇乜可能入到~~我建議你擺1st HKU Bachelor of Science 2nd BU Human Resources Management, 第三再擺個比bu hr 收生分數低的科目~咁會比較安全~

但如果你真係想搏cu hotel man, 就唔可能擺係第二...因為呢個收得高過science好多,你入唔到hku science都冇機會入hotel man~咁只是浪費了一個位
2007-07-01 9:35 am
i think u can try

but personally i think bba/management subject are better than science subject


choose bba better than > hotel/hr
boz u may choose hr later thou bba program
if u like hotel studies...than it's ok to put in top3
2007-07-01 9:01 am
Speaking truly, I think it is a little bit dangerous to have such an JUPAS choice arrangement. You have a quite good result, however, it is not very high (with no A or B grade and the grades of the two language subjects are not very high also) . Sorry, I do not mean to hurt you.

My advice is :You can still keep HKU Bachelor of Science as your 1st choice, then put "BU Human Resources Management" as your 2nd choice. It is more safe.

Reason: Hotel and Tourism Management is still a hot degree programme.

Hope I can help you!
2007-07-01 8:54 am
首選揀 cu hotel man
次選 hku bsc
尾選 bu hr 會好d



參考: 二千年的高考生

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