I am not a plastic bag by Anya Hidmarch

2007-07-01 8:32 am
請問大家知唔知Anya Hindmarch個袋, 香港發行多少?
一人可以買多少個袋? 希望2-5個啦!
因為我決定, 當日去排隊買,
但係又怕數量太少, 早早去都會買清.
請問有無人見到, 某幾間店有人開始通頂排隊呀!
Thank a lot!

回答 (3)

2007-07-05 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
要通宵啦....因為ifc依家已經有人排緊隊啦!!! 我都好想買.....唔知放工後係咪已經滿晒額呢? ifc仲有好幾個賓賓同婆婆幫人係度排緊....都係冇望啦....唉...買唔到..真係有d唔開心~

P.S. 因為lunch 後我去左望下情況....

Anyone can help to buy :P pls contact [email protected]
參考: 自己親身
2007-07-07 12:24 am
No! they say 6/7 issue,actually in 5/7 already sold la, my friend working in Anya Hidmarch, thats why some ppl waiting at 5/7,
now 6/7 so many ppl still waiting at afternoon, because they dun know sold out,so poor. if sell at 6/7. at the morning already sold off la! stupid!
2007-07-05 6:42 am
$950 for one

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