How do you get rid of Whiteheads without Popping them?

2007-06-30 10:57 pm
Please help. I have a whitehead near the point og my eye and I cannot pop it. A prior occasion I had one near my eye so I popped it but my whole eye swelled up for three days. Does anyone know any home remedies of creams that could rid whiteheads without popping?

回答 (13)

2007-06-30 10:59 pm
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Face Transplant!
2007-06-30 11:23 pm
if they are by your eyes...they are NOT whiteheads but styes and can be a sign of a viral infection! go to an eye doctor. there are drops to treat that

do not pop them yourself, you can cause your other eye to break out

I know this because I treated patients for over a year in an eye doctors office and alot of them had the same mistaken thought.

if you have whitehead other places:


you can get it on pharmacy .com or usually at Kmart

its like 4.00 a container and lasts a long time!

it's an OLD recipe grandmom used it and so did my mother

its a relaxing cooling mask that when used correctly can dry up almost anything...including pulling those whiteheads right out!

you wash your skin with a gentle cleanser in warm water to open your pores

pat dry

apply the mask and let it sit as long as you want

you can even use it as a spot treatment when you go to bed.

it smells wonderful and has a minty cool feeling

try it! I'm telling you it works

My favorite thing about it: I get cystic acne break outs. They hurt horribly and are usually deep under the skin for a long time before they come to a head. I use the Mint Julep to relieve the pain! It works amazingly to numb my skin for a while and provide relief. Before I used it, I would even bruise from the swelling. Now I have NO ISSUES!

please dont use needles
you are essentially digging in pores and all you will do is stretch them out, irritate them and cause further break outs

whoever tells you that is a complete fool!

as a last ditch effort I would suggest biore pore strips once a week in conjunction with the mint julep. It's green color binds with your pores for a while and makes it easier to see the goop that comes out on the strips
參考: personal experience
2007-06-30 11:00 pm
Try salacylic acid(clean and clear) or witch hazel. Just leave it alone it will go away wiithin a few days.
2007-06-30 10:59 pm
Take a clean sewing needle, and gently lift off the top of the white head. Then, very gently pull the skin surrounding the blemish. Wipe off whatever comes out and then leave it alone.
2007-06-30 11:01 pm
leave them alone, they get bored and f_ck off, or just let the soap dry on ur face, the best thing to do is go doctors get some antibiotics
2007-06-30 11:33 pm
It's a stye. Don't pop it. Go to a doctor. Get drops.
2007-06-30 11:03 pm
I don't think that possible, I pop them bad boyz and splash with peroxide (not alcohol, dries your face) works for me quick...
2007-06-30 11:00 pm
Whitehead are meant to burst, but burst on its own, not by you!

Usually when my whitehead pop on its own, that means they are going to heal and disappear in a day or two.

However, I've never heard of a white head next to the eye; and sure never heard of eye swelling due to that; so go ask a doctor! It seems like the germs form the white head popping can infect ur eye!
2007-06-30 11:04 pm
you probably squeezed it last time which caused it to swell. done properly, it will heal in a day or 2. you need to pop white heads (properly) or else the pus will just go back into your blood stream, and you won't be rid of it. where else is it going to go? few disappear on their own. be careful and gentle with your skin; a whitehead only needs to be pricked lightly with a needle and pressing on either side of it should release the head. use a chamomile tea bag afterward to reduce any sweeling if you caused any and put visine on it to take away any redness.
2007-06-30 11:03 pm
Take care of your skin by washing with oil-free products twice daily. You can also use an exfoliate on your skin daily to smooth out the skin. Don’t be afraid to use oil-free moisturizers on the skin – if your face gets too dry, it will only increase the oil production and cause more breakouts. Do not pop pimples in any circumstance – this causes scarring and makes the oils spread to other areas of the face, inspiring more breakouts that you want to avoid.

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