急.... buffalo wbr2-g54 安裝問題~ (20點)

2007-07-01 7:45 am
我係use i-cable 的....
最近唔知why use router 上唔到... 只用modem 就ok
so我諗住再裝過router la

但我跟住d steps 做既時候...

佢要求我key user name + password

究竟 user name + password 係咩????? 我上次裝好似都冇叫我fill in~
係咪user name = root, password 唔使填???
但我咁樣fill in 都係入唔到去bor................

anyone can help me???

會唔會係我部desktop 係 window vista 既問題?????
我部notebook 上唔到網呀... 上唔到網好慘架......
buffalo 有冇hk 既 tel 係可以打電話去問架????

回答 (1)

2007-07-01 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you need to restore to factory defaults. Press the INIT button on the bottom of the router for 15 seconds. Do not let go of the INIT button unitl the red DIAG lights up or flashes. The restore process can take up to 2 minutes. Hope it helps.

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