很喜歡躲於家中, 因為太懶, 因為太熱, 因為太大雨, 所以. ;急!!翻譯成英語!!!不要用翻譯軟件!!thx!!!!

2007-07-01 7:38 am
很喜歡躲於家中, 因為太懶, 因為太熱, 因為太大雨, 所以...;急!翻譯成英語!!!不要用翻譯軟件!!thx!!!!

回答 (4)

2007-07-01 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
2 sentences are correct:

1. I enjoy to wander at home due to laziness, hot weather and heavy rain.

2. Due to hot weather and heavy rain, it arouse my laziness and I like to stay home.
2007-07-01 7:49 am
I really like to stay at home because I am too lazy.
The weather is too hot and it is raining hard so ( I cannot go out ) .
參考: self
2007-07-01 7:43 am
I'm love staying at home because i'm too lazy,too hot and too heavy rain.
參考: 自己
2007-07-01 7:42 am
I really like to stay home because I am too lazy, the weather is too hot and it is raining hard. So...

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