music with a story (20 marks)

2007-07-01 2:55 am
Give me some music example that have a story inside. (e.g.Fantasia)( Can you also tell me who wrote those music with story )

回答 (5)

2007-07-01 6:23 am
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Peter and the wolf by Sergei Prokofiev

Peter, a young boy, lives with his grandfather in the Russian countryside. One day Peter leaves the garden gate open, and the duck takes the opportunity to go swimming on the nearby pond. She starts arguing with a little bird ("What kind of bird are you if you can't fly?" - "What kind of bird are you if you can't swim?"). A cat sneaks up on them, and the bird – warned by Peter - flies into a tall tree.

Peter's grumpy grandfather takes him back into the garden and locks the gate in case the wolf comes. Shortly afterwards the wolf does indeed come out of the woods. The cat climbs into the tree, but the duck, who has left the pond, is swallowed by the wolf.

Peter fetches a rope and climbs over the garden wall into the tree. He asks the bird to fly around the wolf's head, while he lowers a noose and catches the wolf by his tail.

Hunters come out of the woods and fire at the wolf, but Peter stops them. Everyone leads the wolf to the zoo in a triumphant procession. At the end one can hear the duck quacking in the wolf's stomach, "because the wolf had swallowed her alive."

2007-07-01 11:50:03 補充:
Hey, Little!Moonlight is not a music with a story.Do you know what "music with a story" is?In Chinese, it's "故事主題音樂", meaning that a music telling a story.
參考: Wikipedia
2007-07-04 5:34 am
《劇情簡介》《魔笛》的內容,由夜后的女兒帕蜜娜被惡魔薩拉斯妥拐走開始,王子塔米諾由於驚嘆於帕蜜娜的美貌,於是答應夜后去救出帕蜜娜。帶著夜后送給他的魔笛及捕鳥人巴巴吉諾啟程去救帕蜜娜,在塔米諾見到帕蜜娜之後他們立刻陷入熱戀,此時劇情卻有了很大的轉變,拐走帕蜜娜的薩拉斯妥不再是惡魔,而是德高望重的祭司,而夜后卻變成壞女人,而這對戀人在經過重重的考驗及夜后的阻隢後憑著愛與魔笛的力量終於可以幸福的在一起。《魔笛》是莫札特最後的歌劇作品,這部歌劇可以說是德國Singspiel的集大成之作,劇本為艾曼紐.席克耐(Emanuel Schikaneder)所寫的。在這部歌劇中,我們可以看出莫札特所呈現十八世紀巴洛克時期的均衡、對立理念,王子塔米諾代表善良、真理的一方,而捕鳥人則是盲目追求物質享受的一方,祭司薩拉斯妥也以其高貴的情操來感化夜后的報復,莫札特成功地將自己的意念寄託於這個童話般的題材中,在這部歌劇裏表露無遺,在這部歌劇中令人印象深刻的歌曲相當的多,如夜后的詠嘆調、巴巴吉諾演唱猶如童話般的歌曲、祭司的合唱、薩拉斯妥的詠嘆調,以及巴巴吉諾與芭芭吉娜的二重唱,莫札特為《魔笛》賦予了生命,他的音樂清晰明朗,使得整部歌劇充滿了豐富的活力及生命力。
第五景在三個仙童的引導下,王子塔米諾來到了日之界。那兒有三個入口,分別是慧(理性)、 天(自然)、悟(智慧)。塔米諾試了慧和天,卻被神秘的聲音斥回,王子並不就此而灰心,他接著走向悟,這時有一位辯者從悟走出來。辯者告訴塔米諾,薩拉斯妥並不是如王子所想的,是一個惡魔。相反地,他是一位有大愛的聖者,正在努力恢復世界的平衡,重建人間天堂。由於夜后想要以迷信、仇恨和奴役來統治世界,帕蜜娜之父在死前把大日輪交給了大祭司。為了不讓帕蜜娜公主受到夜后復仇思想的影響,所以把她留在日之界。任何入如果想要進入日之界,必須通過考驗。塔米諾對辯者的話半信半疑,準備離開。但在聽到神秘聲音說帕蜜娜邊活著時,為了救出公主,塔米諾決定接受考驗。
參考: internet
2007-07-04 3:23 am
The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music is a musical with music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II, and a book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse, based on the book The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria von Trapp. Songs from the musical became popular standards, including The Sound of Music, Edelweiss, My Favorite Things, Climb Every Mountain, and Do-Re-Mi.

The original Broadway production opened in November 1959, and the show has enjoyed numerous productions and revivals since then. It was also made into a popular 1965 movie musical. The Sound of Music was the final musical written by Rodgers and Hammerstein; the latter died of cancer nine months after the premiere.

After viewing a German film (Die Trapp-Familie (The Trapp Family, 1956) and a sequel, Die Trapp-Familie in Amerika (1958)), about the von Trapp family, stage director Vincent J. Donehue thought that the project would be perfect for his friend, Mary Martin; Broadway producers Leland Hayward and Richard Halliday (husband of star Mary Martin) agreed. It was originally envisioned as a non-musical play to be written by Lindsay and Crouse which would feature songs from the repertoire of the Trapp Family Singers. Then it was decided to add an original song or two, perhaps by Rodgers and Hammerstein. However, it was soon agreed that the project should feature all new songs and be a musical rather than a play.[1]

The action takes place in the town of Salzburg in Austria, just prior to World War II.

Maria, a woman studying for the Roman Catholic sisterhood in an abbey who has begun to doubt her calling, is sent out to be a governess to the seven children of Captain Georg Ritter von Trapp, a widower and a decorated World War I captain in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Von Trapp is an Austrian patriot at a time when it would be safer to be friendly to the ascendant Nazi regime. The Captain is raising his children in a strict and militaristic manner, with which Maria immediately disagrees. The children, initially hostile and mischievous, soon come to like Maria, as she works to loosen the Captain's strict policies and brings warmth, including the joy of singing, back into their household. She finds herself falling in love with the stern Captain but tries to suppress her feelings, as he is engaged to be married to Baroness Elsa Schräder. He too finds himself warming to the unconventional governess. Meanwhile, the eldest girl, Liesl, and a messenger, Rolfe, are attracted to each other and meet secretly (Sixteen Going on Seventeen).

The Baroness fosters some misunderstandings, and Maria returns to the abbey. But the children implore her to return. After some soul searching, Maria leaves the abbey and marries the Captain. When the Captain is called to duty in the Kriegsmarine of the Third Reich, Maria and the Captain arrange for the family to escape. After a family concert, including the Captain's rendition of Edelweiss, as they sing their final song, So Long, Farewell they leave through the convent and over the mountains to Switzerland
2007-07-03 4:17 am
The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music is a musical with music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II, and a book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse, based on the book The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria von Trapp. Songs from the musical became popular standards, including The Sound of Music, Edelweiss, My Favorite Things, Climb Every Mountain, and Do-Re-Mi.

The original Broadway production opened in November 1959, and the show has enjoyed numerous productions and revivals since then. It was also made into a popular 1965 movie musical. The Sound of Music was the final musical written by Rodgers and Hammerstein; the latter died of cancer nine months after the premiere.

After viewing a German film (Die Trapp-Familie (The Trapp Family, 1956) and a sequel, Die Trapp-Familie in Amerika (1958)), about the von Trapp family, stage director Vincent J. Donehue thought that the project would be perfect for his friend, Mary Martin; Broadway producers Leland Hayward and Richard Halliday (husband of star Mary Martin) agreed. It was originally envisioned as a non-musical play to be written by Lindsay and Crouse which would feature songs from the repertoire of the Trapp Family Singers. Then it was decided to add an original song or two, perhaps by Rodgers and Hammerstein. However, it was soon agreed that the project should feature all new songs and be a musical rather than a play.[1]

The action takes place in the town of Salzburg in Austria, just prior to World War II.

Maria, a woman studying for the Roman Catholic sisterhood in an abbey who has begun to doubt her calling, is sent out to be a governess to the seven children of Captain Georg Ritter von Trapp, a widower and a decorated World War I captain in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Von Trapp is an Austrian patriot at a time when it would be safer to be friendly to the ascendant Nazi regime. The Captain is raising his children in a strict and militaristic manner, with which Maria immediately disagrees. The children, initially hostile and mischievous, soon come to like Maria, as she works to loosen the Captain's strict policies and brings warmth, including the joy of singing, back into their household. She finds herself falling in love with the stern Captain but tries to suppress her feelings, as he is engaged to be married to Baroness Elsa Schräder. He too finds himself warming to the unconventional governess. Meanwhile, the eldest girl, Liesl, and a messenger, Rolfe, are attracted to each other and meet secretly (Sixteen Going on Seventeen).

The Baroness fosters some misunderstandings, and Maria returns to the abbey. But the children implore her to return. After some soul searching, Maria leaves the abbey and marries the Captain. When the Captain is called to duty in the Kriegsmarine of the Third Reich, Maria and the Captain arrange for the family to escape. After a family concert, including the Captain's rendition of Edelweiss, as they sing their final song, So Long, Farewell they leave through the convent and over the mountains to Switzerland
2007-07-01 5:40 am

參考: 我的記憶

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