question about english

2007-07-01 2:55 am
1.that's not an original vRembrande,it's an imitation
怎麼後面用it? was not something imposed,but something immanent
怎麼something後面跟p.p (imposed,
3.he immured himself in a room to work undisturbed
怎麼動詞後面跟p.p(undisturbed ) people time to get to know one another will make the meeting less impersonal.
5.they considered it to be very important.
可以轉做 it very important 嗎

6.the government 's growing impatience with the unions=noun 怎麼's有意思嗎 7.the negotiation had reached an impasse , with both sides refusing to compromise. 怎麼會有( , )

回答 (1)

2007-07-01 3:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It 是代名詞,代替之前所說過的名詞,那樣句子便不會過於冗長。
It 在句中是代表"that"。

2. 當relative clause的句式為to be + complement的時候,你可以直接寫上個complement,把to be省略。
Beauty was not something (that was) imposed, but ...

3. to work undisturbed 中 undisturbed 是個形容詞,指主語想達到的結果或事情的結果。
He immured himself in a room to work (; he want to be) undisturbed.
I want to come in (; I want to be) unnoticed.
He escaped (; and the result is that he is) unharmed.

4. to get to know = to know
to get to ... 的用法較美式;若是指需要,英式用法多會寫成to have to ...
I get to go now. = I have to go now.
get to 在說話時也可以簡略成getta (want to > wanna, go to > gonna一樣)

to know one another = 互相認識
another 是個形容詞,不可以單獨使用。句子也可以寫成:to know each other

5. 可以

6. 跟平常的's用法一樣,代表政府「的」

7. 因為後句是補充句,說出為何雙方為何成了一個僵局。

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