我想問下邊個句子好d?急急急~~~~thank you

2007-07-01 12:00 am
我想將這句翻譯成英文: (過肥會增加患病的風險).
咁樣譯得唔得呢: 1.the obesity will increase the risk of suffering from diseases.
2. the obesity may cause many negative physical effects.
以上邊一句好d呢?或者其他更好的。 請各位高人指點。thank you!~~~~~~~~~~

回答 (6)

2007-07-01 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

首先,過肥係一個現象,唔係指明乜野o既過肥、邊個部份過肥、邊個人過肥,所以 obesity 唔駛用 the,甚至唔需要冠詞(a/an)。
再睇,the risk of suffering from disease,好明顯係中文「患病o既風險」譯出o黎,其實 the risk of (heart) disease 已經ok,又或者 the risk of getting (heart) disease。另一句o既 many negative physical effects 其實冇問題,但係好間接,唔講明係乜野影響,打哂官腔。除非呢個係你o既本意,否則唔建議你咁講。
Obesity will increase the risk of getting diseases such as .... (建議舉例)
2007-07-01 8:00 am
2007-07-01 5:43 am
Obesity will increase the risk in suffering from disease (is better English)

the should be deleted from Obesity is an abstractive noun so no article is required. Disease is also an abstractive and uncountable noun so no plural is required.
2007-07-01 12:12 am
第1句(the obesity will increase the risk of suffering from diseases) 好d,
because D英文文化好d,第
參考: 希望我係最佳回答la! THX!!!
2007-07-01 12:04 am
Excessively fat will increase the risk which will be sick
2007-07-01 12:03 am
the obesity will increase the risk of suffering from diseases.好d
參考: me

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