xxx is the reason why your school so successful 有無錯處?急問

2007-06-30 10:55 pm is the reason why your school so successful 有無grammatical錯處?
還是 is the reason why your school is so successful 先岩?
參考句子xxx is the reason why you are so beautiful 係有個"are"(verb)的

回答 (2)

2007-06-30 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2才是對的, 否則後段會沒有動詞去連接學校與成功.

但你有沒有想過, 如果那不是收信人認為學校成功的原因?
或者 xxx contributes to the remarkable success of your school in a large extent 會比較安全, 因為沒有說明一定只有xxx這個原因, 只表明 xxx 是成功的最大因數, 然後加以解釋/補充,

希望幫到忙 =)
參考: 大學教寫論文時學的.
2007-07-01 6:04 pm

why 在句中的用法是relative clause pronoun,所以它的後面要接一句完整的句子。"Your school so successful" 少了一個動詞to be,這就是句一的一個錯誤。

句一和二都同樣錯用了"the reason why"。這是一個很常見的錯處;雖然很多人都會這樣寫和說,但句子實在是錯的。錯的理由是why 和 the reason 都是用來解釋甚事情的原因,叠起來用便像說「因為因為」。

Why is John absent? He is absent because he is sick.
> John's being sick is the reason that he is absent.
> John's being sick is why he is absent.

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