
2007-06-30 9:44 pm
我想問下究竟理大點計中化同ue?係成0.6定係當番al 咁計??因為我睇到呢到最尾果句:
Admission Score

The advanced Level admission score is calculated according to your results. This is the total score of all of the HKAL/AS and GCEAL/AS subject attainments of applicants, using the scale of A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1 and below E = 0, and applying a weighting factor of 0.6 to AS subject attainments, EXCEPT FOR LANGUAGE PROGRAMME.
咁即係點呀...唔該快d幫下手..好快要submit choices la

回答 (1)

2007-06-30 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
非語文學系會將中化同ue乘0.6, 但語文學系(例如專業中英文)就會將中化及ue當成al咁睇.

2007-06-30 16:12:45 補充:
因為social work係非語文學系, 所以clc & ue係乘0.6.例如有位學生成績如下:clc, ue: e, e2AL: c,dAS: c非語文學系會計出以下分數:= (3+2)+(1+1+3)*0.6=8但語文學系會計出以下分數:=(3+2+1+1)+3*0.6=8.8

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