
2007-06-30 8:41 pm
我想學做"甜甜圈" 但看書的時候說要發酵箱什么的 ><
plz help

回答 (1)

2007-06-30 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It will be needed only in some place that is cold & dry, we do not really need that in Hong Kong. In summer, you just mix your dough, put it into a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap & wait for the dough to rise. If it is really cold in winter, put the bowl in the oven together with a bowl of hot water, close the door of the oven (do not turn the oven on!) & wait for the dough to rise, if it is not too cold like recent years, just leave the bowl in the kitchen.

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