點整ice cream cake

2007-06-30 8:19 pm
點整ice cream cake and give me 圖片

回答 (3)

2007-07-01 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
雪糕蛋糕 (好味,易整! 唔洗用焗爐!)
材料:雪糕100克 (咩味都得)
做法:將雪糕放入微波爐熔化 (3-5分鐘), 取出,
放進微波爐15-20分鐘, 即成.

雲利拿味雪糕 (開始溶溶地) 2公升
威化餅 (最好士多啤梨味喇) 15塊
急凍紅莓 (需解凍) 500g
用具: 24-26吋圓形脫模
1. 先將蛋糕紙鋪係脫模既底
2. 用一個大碗, 將半溶既雪糕倒入去...
3. 再將解左凍既紅莓倒入雪糕度, 用木匙"巾"攪均 (到咁上下個雪糕就由白色變左做粉紅色)
4. 將d威化餅整到細細粒論
5. 再將d威化餅粒加入雪糕攪均
6. 再將雪糕倒入脫模入面, 用匙"巾"整平個面
7. 拎去冰格雪一晚之後就食得

要更多食譜, 可以上宜個網:

參考: me
2007-06-30 11:36 pm



Coffee ice cream, a chocolate-cookie crust and chocolate-covered coffee beans add up to a terrific party dessert. Begin making the cake one day before serving.

serving size
Makes 12 servings.

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ingredients26 chocolate wafer cookies (about 6 ounces), broken into pieces
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
2 quarts coffee ice cream, slightly softened
1/3 cup chocolate-covered coffee beans
21/4 cups chilled whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
Milk chocolate shavings

preparationBlend cookies in processor until finely ground. Add melted butter; process until crumbs are moistened. Press crumb mixture onto bottom of 9-inch-diameter springform pan with 2 3/4-inch-high sides. Freeze until firm, about 10 minutes.
Place ice cream in large bowl. Finely chop coffee beans in processor. Add to bowl with ice cream; stir until well blended. Transfer ice cream mixture to crust-lined pan. Smooth top. Cover with plastic wrap. Freeze overnight.
Combine whipping cream and vanilla in another large bowl. Sift powdered sugar and cocoa over. Using electric mixer, beat until soft peaks form. Spread mixture over top of cake. Freeze until cream is set, at least 1 hour. (Can be made 2 days ahead. Cover; keep frozen.) Sprinkle chocolate shavings over top of cake. Run knife between pan sides and cake to loosen. Remove pan sides. Using small metal spatula or knife, smooth cake sides. Let cake stand at cool room temperature 10 minutes before serving.

Bon Appétit, August 2000
2007-06-30 8:26 pm
你去ㄚahOO打ice cream cake 有做法同埋 圖片

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