Are You Sure You're You?

2007-06-30 4:05 am
What separates reality from a dream? In the telecommunications age, there's no way to be certain that your life isn't merely a long simulation. Are you certain that you're the person you think you are?

回答 (16)

2007-06-30 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
What separates reality from a dream is the fact that your able to wake up from a dream and they go away but in reality issues don't go away until problems are solved. For your second part of your question, it depends which Ralph shows up. So, I going to say "yes and no"...
2007-06-30 11:09 am
I decided long ago that it doesn't really matter. I have to operate as if it were real because things work out better that way. Until I learn differently, so it will be. Existentialism at its finest.
2007-06-30 11:13 am
Strong desire, faith and persistance are what separate reality from a dream. Also, it's better to say that we're in the information age. Without persistance, you will never know/sure of who you are.
2007-06-30 11:10 am
2007-07-01 1:01 pm
Most times i am...I can talk to myself well can be troubling when I argue with myself...when I lose the argument, then it can be a reality crisis I guess...r you really an earth angel??? I can affirm or dream that you are and it's all good...
2007-06-30 3:30 pm
Yes, I am certain. Generally, I am asleep when I dream.
2007-06-30 11:31 am
Believe me, I wish I wasn't because I suck.
2007-06-30 11:10 am
As I grow older I've become very aware of the person that I am. When I was younger I thought I was someone else.
Weird, huh?
2007-06-30 11:15 am
first, this is a great question and is why i cant wait to take psychology

" Are You Sure You're You?
What separates reality from a dream? In the telecommunications age, there's no way to be certain that your life isn't merely a long simulation. Are you certain that you're the person you think you are? "

Who am i?

that would be my first answer to the whole thing but ill give in and discuss it.

Dream vs reality?? in a dream there is no deep feeling,if u get shot in a dream u dont feel the pain. in reality u have the ability feel what u perceive and it REALLy feels and not how u perceive it to feel. In a dream u may have a feeling of it but its not how it really feels.

Im the person i am bc i dont change. Im always me and ive never been anyone else. So all i know is me and thus i cant be otherwise. If dog is always dog, if u dress him as a cat, ishe not still a dog?? so thus if im always me, than no matter what i where or say, im still me. certainty is merly having no doubt and since ive never seen any eason to believe otehrwise, how can i doubt when there is nothing to contradict me?

Is life a long simulation? thats merly asking what is life and thats one of the mysteries. But i say no. Simply bc u can wake from a dream, if ur in a dream and u say this is just a dream and start thinkin on something else ull wake or think of something else. in life if u say this is a dream, it doesnt change anything, ur still there in the moment with nothing changed. In life a changed thought doesnt change what is goin on, im sitin here thinkin but im not all of sudden goin to be in Paris by thinkin of paris but in a dream if i think of paris i can be there based on what i remember paris to be.
2007-06-30 11:13 am
One easy way to find out if you are you is, take a knife and cut off one of your fingers, if it regrows then you are in a dream!

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