I feel like a failure for I have done nothing but fail?

2007-06-30 3:40 am
For most my adult life, I have been bouncing job to job. Sometimes I quit due to it being a job I hate. Alot of times I have been fired due to my performance. Some times, I accept the responsibility for why I was fired and (lazness, bad attitude.) and did what I could to change my behavior. However I have been fired from enjoyable jobs due to my inability to learn qucikly, lacking common sense (a lot of things that the average persons gets, I do not.) being clumbsy and the inability to handle people in a tactul, skillful and calm manner.Alot of times I am nervous due to me not understanding people and they sense this. This makes it difficult for me to interview and find a job. It is really affecting my sense of worth and had these problems for a long time and just cannot seem to over come them. It just makes my life miserable. I know I am not stupid. I am book smart (if I could not totally learn, this would not be possible.) I just want to be normal and be able to keep with others

It is that I am tired of being the downtrodden out cast who can't seem to do anything right and be mormal and be able to function within the workplace with a decent amount of competence


Gee thanks for your encouragement. I can't help but laugh at your answer.


Anyone else have similiar problems ? How did you over come it?


Im depressed cause I can remember things the last past hour with great difficulty, lord help me if I need to remeber something past that. Alot of times it takes me years to get to the basic competence level everyone around me accomplishes within weeks. My foresight and judgement is off whack for trying to think before I speak or do anything is near impossible. This stuff right here has ruined my life and made me depressed. I just do not want to be this way anymore and it would be nice if this would just go away.


As for finding a job I like, I am not sure that is possible. What I would want to do seems way too out of reach for me. I want to be a famous and powerful political activist. Kinda like Martin King Junior only for causes other then affirmative action. I want to be a famous comedian. I could try volunteering, yet I really need a job that pays the bills and puts food on the table. What I want as a job, will not do this. What jobs that do help me earn a living, I just can't seem to do. Volunteering just does not help me with this.


As for my plan for dealing with this, I say if I fail one more time for "not getting it" or being a slow learner, I am going give up on getting a real job and go for broke being a comedian. Screw it, if I am going to fail, might well at something I would enjoy doing,

回答 (15)

2007-06-30 3:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Man, you are in a really deep funk !
You keep failing, because you have
taught yourself to FAIL, you expect it.
You are so use to failing, that it has
become a part of you. You sound so
deeply depressed you should seek
professional help. talk to a doctor as
soon as possible or see a shrink.
參考: rebo ff
2007-06-30 3:52 am
It sounds to me like your self esteem is in the gutter. I have had this problem for a long time as well. I have found that I have a learning disability that makes learning quickly difficult for me. Do you find that when you talk to someone that you learn better by working with your hands or do you learn quicker by listening to someone and then repeating what they said in your own words? If you find that working with your hands helps you to understand things quicker then you should look for work in a field where you work with your hands. Try to find something that you really like and then work on that. As for your laziness you need to work on ways to motivate yourself.
2007-07-02 1:49 am
Look deep into the things you are passionate about, not what others think you are interested. The things you are passionate about are the thing you will be able to succeed in. Just a little spriritual guidance will let you see the things that there are things you are already accomplishing, besides your career goals. It is important that you use these things you are good at to feel better about yourself. Everyone has something that they are good at and everyone has a at least one quality that everyone looks at in admiration. You are really coming down hard on yourself, but you should realize we all make mistakes. The fact that you are taking account for yours show you are already on the right path.
2007-06-30 4:04 am
First you need to accentuate the positives in your life. Then you eliminate the negatives meaning to get rid of them. Surround yourself with positives and each morning when you arise tell yourself that you feel happy healthy and wonderful. If you do this then in the not to distant future you will find positive people starting to come around you and you will feel better. This is what will help you, Amigo, as you have a serious self-esteem issue! Once you overcome this then your life will get better. Learn to use spell check, it is free!
2007-06-30 3:58 am
Why not apply for financial aid--and go back to school to learn a new, interesting field of work. The community colleges have certificate programs that don't take really long--and they help you find a job. (Examples: nursing assistant, pharmacy technician, truck driver, EMT, cake and candy maker, social service worker, management, real estate, administrative assistant/secretary--all kinds of classes--many more than I have listed).

As far as your job dislikes and problems go--take a trip to the library and check out books on self-esteem, self-confidence, how to be a success, positive affirmations, uncluttering your life/organizational skills, etc.

I wish you luck, and a new job that you will really like and do well at. :)
2007-06-30 3:56 am
Personally I can identify with you.
It wasn't until I became in volunteerism that I gained any semblance of self worth.
I don't make the issue about me anymore, it's how I can help others. The times I do this, people are glad I'm there.
There is no hidden agenda, other than it makes me feel good to make nameless other feel good.
Change perspective, and others perspective of you will change as well.
I'm happier now. Volunteers don't get fired, they're needed and respected.
2007-06-30 3:55 am
I had a lot of jobs too, for different reasons.
It's hard to find the right place for everyone.
The best trick I have so far is to know myself: what I like, what I does not like. What I'm good at doing it, what I'm not.

Doing trips in another city, country, often help knowing ourselves.

Just keep trying, have the courage to face the realty and Go find your place, 'cause you have one!
2007-06-30 3:54 am
You have my condolences, having a life that you're unhappy with is a very crappy thing. It's very hard sometimes to figure out what you've done right or to see what you're truly worth. I suggest talking to a psychiatrist or therapist, there might be some underlying neurological cause that is making you feel this way such as depression, or maybe you just need to talk to somebody about it. I also recommend getting a dog or cat or some sort of pet to show affection to. They can make you feel needed and loves and it doesn't matter if you feel like a failure at everything else because they love you and don't even see your self-proclaimed flaws. There's no easy way to deal with feelings like that, and it's very hard sometimes to NOT feel that way if your life hasn't been the story book beautiful kind that it seems like many peoples are. Try making a list of all of your good points, maybe your sense of human, your eyes, your vast knowledge on 18th century history, whatever it is that you DO like, focus on that and try to get through the issues that are making you unhappy. I wish you good luck with the utmost sincerity, I'm sure you're a wonderful person, you just need to start realizing it.
2007-06-30 3:52 am
Life is a constant failure.
What's important is to learn from those failures and come back better and stronger. Don't just take a loss for a loss... take a loss as a chance to better yourself. Learn from your mistakes and do not do them again. Just do it... I don't care if you're a women or a man... MAN UP!! Grow up and get it done... that's all you can do. The only other option is to crawl into a hole and stay there.
2007-06-30 3:47 am
Remember this, winners don't quit, and quitters won't win.
If what you have been doing don't work, try another approach. Another good thing is to get feedbacks from people, co-workers, bosses and etc. However, you need to be ready to accept criticisms. Being a book smart alone is not going to help. What you know is not important, and it's a fact. How you use what you know makes you a wise person.

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