
2007-06-30 4:13 am
本人6年前爭aeon咭數2萬幾,但由於失業,無還到幾年,直至05年佢地找到我,叫我還番d咭數,我仲債務重做,,還左1萬到,但點知再度失業又還唔到,但aeon直到而家都無打黎追我還尾數,,點解呢??咁啱我係05年至現在有份穩定既職業,係hsbc autopay,佢地呢2日寄左封預先批亥既萬應錢比我,,仲唔係入息證明,,我想問我想申請,佢會唔會批我呢???佢仲問過我點解唔申請信用咭,佢話我係hsbc入面紀錄良好添!!!我自己亦都想去環聯查自己個信貸報告,但我驚一查既話,,aeon會知唔知我係邊度做野架??希望有心人幫我解答!!thx

回答 (3)

2007-06-30 5:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No banks will approve credit card for you. You are now blacklist in the Transunion report. All banks can notice your black debt in Aeon through this report and your grading in the report should be very low. All application procedures on loans or credit cards must make an request on this report. HK bank pre-approved your loans or credit cards since they have not seen the report yet. When you really apply the loan or credit card, HK bank will know you are blacklisted. All the updated data such as your recent address or phone numbers will be updated in the report. Then, Aeon can be able to chase you again! Honestly speaking, it will be deeply affected your future if you have black debt. You cannot apply loan, credit card or mortage anymore in HK.
2007-07-09 10:09 am
2007-07-03 1:08 pm

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