
2007-06-30 3:41 am

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2007-06-30 6:15 pm
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A barren of mules.

Genetics Donkeys and wild equids have different numbers of chromosomes. A donkey has 62 chromosomes; the zebra has between 44 and 62 (depending on species). In spite of this difference, viable hybrids are possible provided the gene combination in the hybrid allows for embryonic development to birth. A hybrid has a number of chromosomes somewhere in between. The chromosome difference makes female hybrids poorly fertile and male hybrids sterile due to a phenomenon called Haldane's Rule. The difference in chromosome number is most likely due to horses having 2 longer chromosomes that contain similar gene content that contain the same genes as 4 zebra chromosomes.
Common wisdom states that hybrids only occur when the zebra is the sire, but the Barbados hybrid demonstrates otherwise. Two other known zebra hinnies have been foaled but did not survive to adulthood. The rarity of zebra hinnies indicates that the smaller number of chromosomes has to be on the male side if a viable hybrid is to be produced.
Zeedonks are interspecific hybrids bred by mating together two species from within the same genus. The offspring have traits and characteristics of both parents. Zeedonks vary considerably depending on how the genes from each parent are expressed and how they interact.

Colchester Zoo's zeedonk, named Shadow

A zeedonk in South Africa

參考: wikipedia + Myself~~~
2007-07-01 5:42 am

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