
2007-06-30 2:12 am
我想問吓有無人讀過英國文化協會???? 重有無邊間教得好可以介紹??但係唔好咁貴??(大約好似英國文化協會的價錢,如果可以平些就更好啦!) thanks

回答 (2)

2007-07-02 12:50 am
I am setting up english classes for people like yourself and was wondering if you would be interested? I am a native speaker from the UK who has just moved to Hong Kong.

I understand the problems that you may face when learning and communicating in English and would be happy to design a program that is tailored to your needs. I am to make teaching fun to ensure you get the most out of your lessons with me.

In my class, you can get my undivded attention which you are less likely to enjoy in larger classes organized by other language schools. In other words, your progress will be the most important factor as to how the lessons will next be structured.

If you would be interested in what we can offer, feel free to get in contact with us [email protected] (you can add me to your msn if you wish)

I look forward to hearing from you.
2007-07-01 1:59 am
My name is Wing(English Native Speaker) and I have moved to Hong Kong from the UK and I am trying to setup various English classes tailored to students' needs. This might vary from HKCEE Preparation to Professional Business Skills using English.

I offer personal tuition which means that you will not have the distractions you would get in a large class. This means you will have our undivided attention and close monitoring of your progress.

If this is of interest to you, please feel free to contact me on [email protected] (you can add me to your msn if you would like to chat)

Hope to hear from you soon! :D

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