
2007-06-30 1:12 am
A complex obliquly orinted hyperintensity at the posterior horn of medial meniscus as detailed above. Features are suggestive of a complex tear.

Abnormal thickened anterior cruciate ligament with T2-weighted hyperintensity. Features are suggestive of Grade I ACL sprain.

No further meniscal, ligamentous, soft tissues or osseous lesions detected.

回答 (2)

2007-06-30 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
等我答啦, 我o係美國既醫院做research, 這些medical term 都明既...


睇你段野, 你照完MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging 磁力共振)?
其實你都唔駛明哂既, medical meniscus係你膝部個關節既名, 你睇圖可能明過我describe喇, hyperintensity 係MRI 既term黎, 簡單講即係照到光左(總之有問題啦)...
A complex obliquly orinted hyperintensity at the posterior horn of medial meniscus as detailed above. Features are suggestive of a complex tear.
佢話照到你個medical meniscus 既posterior horn傾斜左, 有撕裂...
Abnormal thickened anterior cruciate ligament with T2-weighted hyperintensity. Features are suggestive of Grade I ACL sprain.
這句最緊要喇....T2-weighted hyperintensity 都係d MRI 既用字, 因為有分T1同T2, 不過這個唔重要,重要既係佢話你有Grade I ACL sprain, ACL即係anterior cruciate ligament 即係十字韌帶, ACL sprain 即係韌帶撕裂, 如果唔明可以睇圖


不過, ACL sprain 有 3 個 grade 既...

Grade I sprain - pain with minimal damage to the ligaments

Grade II sprain - more ligament damage and mild looseness of the joint

Grade III sprain - the ligament is completely torn, and the joint is very loose or unstable
Grade I 係比較輕微既撕裂, 唔駛咁擔心喇
No further meniscal, ligamentous, soft tissues or osseous lesions detected.
即係冇乜其他韌帶,軟組織 同 骨骼既損傷
唔駛太擔心, 應該好快好得番,不過要小心唔好再拉親喇
參考: myself, i do medical research in US
2016-09-14 11:44 am
Outside the intracranium the right maxillary sinus contains retention cyst with greater diameter of 20mm.

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