
2007-06-30 12:55 am






多謝兩位回答,.....咁兩者大約要用幾多錢? 酒店好似都幾貴下...... (我知場地選擇同其他使費都係因人而已,但可以透露下你們各自的個案用左幾多錢?)

回答 (2)

2007-06-30 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
I get married last Dec and have cocktail reception at L16 Cafe & Bar (Hong Kong Park). They have indoor area and outdoor area, I choose outdoor area. 我包左outdoor area 全場, they require minimum 100 pax 包outdoor area 全場, the ourdoor area can locate 100-150 pax.
if you want to 包both outdoor & indoor area 全場, need to guarantee minimum 300 pax.
I think L16 is a nice place, you can go there to have a look la. I suggest that you can find the assistant manager called May, she is a very nice guy.

You may visit www.l16cafenbar.com

Before the wedding buffet, I register at Eden (Hong Kong Park), after that I walk to L16 Cafe & Bar, in the mean time, I can take photo at Hong Kong Park as well. The time is very fit.
Cocktail reception advantage:
1) I have many time to talk to my guest and take photo
2) I can have a garden wedding (my dream wedding), which I cannot get if I take the traditional one
3) Cocktail reception is cheaper than banquet
4) Most of my guests feel that it is fresh to have cocktail reception, especially children
1) Since cocktail reception do not have too much food to eat, some guests may think it is not worth, since they pay 人情. But luckly, most guests that I invited is real friends, they will not think like this
2) Eldery do not like this kind of wedding
3) Some guests will give you wedding gift instead of money
My rundown as below
- 嘉賓入場
- 新娘ready與早到的嘉賓合照
- 新娘迴避, 補粧
- mc 宣佈儀式開始(draw guest attention)
- 新人進場
- 開始儀式
- 祝酒+切餅 (at the same time食物枱ready)
- 儀式完結
- 開始buffet
- 影相開始, 同時可以周圍同嘉賓交談

or you can visit
http://comtools.esdl ife.com/wedding_foru m/viewforum.php?f=6 補充時間:2007-06-16 1:47

2007-06-30 01:02:42 補充:
Should aware: 1) The time of the cocktail should around 2:30 to 5:30, if your cocktail is at lunch time or at dinner time, your guests will expect it is a formal dinning.2) Check if every guest can have a seat 3) guests may come and leave not at the same time.
2007-06-30 1:05 am
如果你以cocktail 式, 當你係hotel, 佢地應該係要你包個場式比費用, 至於d小食飲品,有d有package計, 但我以前係hotel擺酒, 就有在那酒店做的朋友叫唔好買package, 數數計數....
另外, 你地都會攝影師 或搵人decorate個場, 又會派invitation card, 你兩都會租衫,化妝set頭....其實同做中式的cost不大分別, 只係無甘死板d人坐係到等食又或係為打雀....
你要留意下有幾多guest, 個場會唔會好迫, 有關收費係點計同有over左package包的數, 又點計, 如hotel, 會唔會送蛋糕, 有無一晚free charges room, 有無reception area, 有無stand for wedding photo, etc.

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