
2007-06-30 12:25 am
o係 runescape 有一種可以「teleport to your home」既magic,間home係唔係member先有???

回答 (6)

2007-07-06 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有兩個 teleport 都啱:
- Lumbridge Home Port
-Teleport to your Home

Lumbridge Home Port 係 Standard Magicks (最基本個 magic) 既 home port spell,係可以唔用 runes 甘 teleport 你去 Lumbridge,不過每三十分鐘先可以用一次,非常麻煩。而其他兩种 Magicks (Ancient Magicks, Lunar Magicks) 亦都有 Home Port,目的地分別係 Edgeville 同 Waterbirth Island

Teleport to your Home 亦都係 Standard Magicks 既其中一個 spell,可以 teleport 去你既 POH (Player Own House),而 Player Own House 係 member 野,所以呢個 spell 係 member 既
2007-07-06 7:24 am
Yes, only member. Member have to give $5 each month. You can find all information at the runescape knowlege booth.(Main menu).You can even own a servent or pets!
2007-07-03 3:04 am
Ys la, if you are a non-member player, you wont have a home(house).But if you are a member but no house so you cant teleport too. (If you want to go back home without teleport, u can go to Rimington to o through a potal)It is a memeber thing. after fire blast, every magic is member. if u want more information go to
參考: myself
2007-07-02 7:34 am
yep,only members can have this skill.u must have 40 magic to perform this.
u need 1 law rune,1air rune and1 earth rune.
+30 magic xp for each cast of spell.
helps u to teleport to your house in the members world.

also should be "house teleport".
"house teleport" NOT EQUAL to "home teleport"

home teleport = go back to lumbridge

2007-07-04 12:19:02 補充:
house teleport is related to construction skills.u need at least 15k to buy a new house.
2007-06-30 5:35 am
No,home is mean Lumbrige.
Lumbrige is a castle,all the people also can go in.
Inside have some computer,can get a quest.(2 floor)
Kitchen,king hall in 1floor.
floor 3 have bank,if you don't want waste time at speaking to the banker,you can click right click and bank banker.

[left stair always have body run!!!!]{is free}
參考: by myself.
2007-06-30 12:35 am

2007-06-29 16:35:47 補充:
參考: lvl 101

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