Local LC

2007-06-29 11:12 pm
開local LC 有什麼好處? 既然大家身處同一地方,為何不直接交收? WHY?
cargo receipt 是不是 just for local LC? 開local LC 還需要什麼文件?

吾明點解收左貨后開LC呢個動作, 其實對方都可以收左貨之后吾去銀行開lc? 如何具保障??

回答 (2)

2007-07-08 5:59 am
Excellent !
2007-06-30 7:22 am
local LC is 100% secured in obtaining money from local bank. if a factory can open
local LC that means he has money in bank or bank guarented.
cargo receipt is not used for local LC - but it can be treated as an evidenced warehouse document certified that the goods is actually received.


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