請問什麼是ARPU, 有時候在經濟版到ARPU,它的全名是什錦,又有什麼作用?
回答 (2)
ARPU一詞來自英文Average Revenue Per User,它的中文意思是每個用戶的平均收入,這個詞近年來被電信運營商當作衡量用戶價值的重要指標,但人們在使用它的時候,主要還是以發話方或發話費用給運營商帶來的收入去計算的。本文要說明的是:計算用戶的ARPU值,僅僅單純從發話方計算是不準確、不全面的,還應包括另一個因素,即由於該用戶的存在爲運營商帶來的來話收入。
ARPU is a term bandied about quite a bit in these days of the telecommunications boom. ARPU stands for Average Revenue Per User. It is a powerful and extremely useful indicator of just how well a telecom company is accessing its customers’ revenue potential. ARPU is commonly calculated in standard mathematical fashion, by dividing the aggregate amount of revenue by the total number of users who provide that revenue. Such numbers are static, but are usually taken as gospel in accounting departments around the world. Other measurements are tracked as well, including revenue generated by new customers as compared to existing customers and revenue generated by new services as compared to existing services. The company that tracks ARPU will most likely want to know its profit potential in broad terms. However, mobile phone companies also track ARPU by examining revenues brought in by customers’ incoming calls as compared to revenues generated by monthly or annual fees. In this way, ARPU can be both general and specific.
收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:30:55
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