
2007-06-29 7:58 pm
What causes the ocean roar (waves) one may hear in a seashell? .

A. Actually, there is no roar. The sound entering one ear is muffled, and we 'sense' that as a roar.

B. The roar is due to the shell's cavity acting as an amplifier for blood pulsing in our veins.

C. The roar is due to wind and vibrations randomly exciting the shell's resonant frequencies.

回答 (1)

2007-07-04 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
C. The roar is due to wind and vibrations randomly exciting the shell's resonant frequencies.

This is the resonance of the sound surrounding. Not only shells, lots of stuff like cups, cans, and even test tube also produce such kind of effect. In addition, differernt shapes shell will produce different wavelength of sound and so lead to different frequencies.

2007-07-03 23:49:33 補充:
additional info: even there is no wind, resonance also occurs, in a place with any kind of sound. This means when u go into a sound-free room, it should have no sound.
參考: my limited physics knowledge

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