
2007-06-29 1:48 pm
primary slave disk fail

我個primary slave=d:



我部pc好舊,係p3 6xx黎,用左7年,最近搬左屋之後,唔知係咪擺位唔同左,變到好散唔切熱定係咩原因,用到咁上下就hand,跟住開機就2個harddisk都fail(出左primary master disk fail, primary slave fail,過左1陣,我摸到佢凍晒又開到,另外,個d:壤之前,我係響佢個內容入面做過清理磁碟,但佢有dfile清唔到,跟住我reset部機,關機前出左個有個交叉既句子大約係有關d:/recycle(唔記得係咪咁寸)有個file lost左(個logo同資源回收筒一樣),但佢出一出我都冇睇得切就reset左,之後就load唔到個d:喇

回答 (4)

2007-06-29 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try this steps.

1) check whether the BIOS can detect and report the disc information correctly; likes the model number, and capacity, etc.

2) if no, then the controller broad on your hard disk may be faulty and it should be replaced by vendor. If you are a advance user and get this controller board from other source, you can try to replace it by yourself but it is not recommended.

3) if yes, check whether the motor is started or not. It can be easily detected by putting your hand on the disk or listen the sound.

4) if there is no sound nor any mechanical motion, the motor part may be failed or the power (+5V or +12V) is loss. Check all sockets and connectors to hard disk, especially the DC plug to controller board, there may be dry-join or poor contact.

5) if the BIOS reports the data is correct and motor is started, it may flected by virus which changed the boot sector or FAT.

Try it and tell me your findings.

2007-06-29 21:50:34 補充:
I believe your hard disk has been over-heat at some time before such that the data written on the disk plate was un-readable. My notebook disk was damaged at that reason.
2007-06-29 4:32 pm

只要個HDD接電後無出現怪聲,你就可以試下將佢接入另一台電腦,或者以一USB to E-IDE接線將它連到另一台WindowsXP的電腦,試試可否存取。

只能夠確認它的存在而無法開啟內裡的檔案,或出現Harddisk Failure時,你便要將它安全地交予專維修硬碟 or資料修複的公司處理,但你有心理準備收費會好貴,你可以問個價才決定是否付費,幾千蚊,我試過。
參考: 本人(sap02spyb5)
2007-06-29 3:40 pm
唔得!只要個HDD接電後無出現怪聲,你就可以試下將佢接入另一台電腦,或者以一USB to E-IDE接線將它連到另一台WindowsXP的電腦,試試可否存取。
只能夠確認它的存在而無法開啟內裡的檔案,或出現Harddisk Failure時,你便要將它安全地交予專維修硬碟 /資料修複的公司處理,但你有心理準備收費會好貴,你可以問個價才決定是否付費。
希望可以幫到你啦 ^_^
2007-06-29 2:23 pm

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