Human Resources Officer 同 Human Resources Assistant 有乜野分別?

2007-06-29 11:01 am
我呢排都搵緊D 關於HR 既工作..
成日見到HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER, 同HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 既工作... 咁其實呢兩個POST 有乜野唔同... 同做既野.. 係唔係都係一樣呢?

回答 (2)

2007-06-29 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ofcourse there are major differences for these two positions.
Human Resources Assistant is now generally the most junior position in the HR department, (in the past there is also Human Resources Clerk but now it kind of disappear already). It is responsible for most administrative, repetitive and simple jobs. It is a chance for the junior to learn and have a glance of what the HR department is doing. This job usually require no experience to 1 year with low academic qualification.
Human Resources Officer is more senior than Assistant (can simply tell from the name) and it will be involved in more implementation, execution, analysis works. This job requires higher qualification where working experience can vary from industry and size of company.
2007-06-29 12:35 pm
officer = 主管級(人事部主管),assistant = 助理(人事部助理), 唔同既係officer past工作比assistant做啦!

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