
2007-06-29 9:10 am

回答 (4)

2007-06-29 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
REMINISCE ( verb ) : to talk or think about pleasant events in your past [ 追忆往事, 缅懷往事 ]
例句: We walked on, reminiscing about the old days. ( 我们向前走著, 追忆著过去的日子. )
REMINISCENT ( adj ) : reminding you of something [ 使人想起. . . 的 ]
例句: `Those were the days. . . ` said the old man with a reminiscent sign. ( `那些日子真讓人懷念啊 !` 老人嘆气, 流露出对往事的懷念.
例子: reminiscences of the war [ 战争回憶录 ]

Hope it helps.
2007-06-29 6:07 pm
Nostagia, Reminisce (reminiscence, noun) 圴是正確無誤的- 但,
英文很怪, 這類字一般並不受讀者歡迎, 太深? no, 只因這類字太缺乏詩意或味道. 以我看了多年歷史或小說的認識, 遇到"懷舊回憶"這句子, 99%作者會用:
The sweet memory(ies) of the good old days.
並非想取分, 只是提出研究一下.

參考: SELF, 已見
2007-06-29 11:11 am
Remembers past times the recollection
2007-06-29 10:32 am
懷舊回憶 = Nostalgia (noun, 名詞), Nostalgic (adj, 形容詞)

Definition: a feeling of fondness for something in the past, often mixed with a kind of pleasant sadness. 對著往事的留戀﹐ 懷舊情緒。

2007-06-29 02:53:07 補充:
e.g. I had a moment of nostalgia when I revisited my hometown. 當我重回我的故鄉時﹐我的懷舊情緒湧上心頭.
參考: Myself

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