The weight won't come off?? Help?

2007-06-28 2:16 pm
I'm losing a good 1 pound per week, and my goal is to be 150 pounds by September, ten pounds isn't bad for twelve weeks, but the weight isn't coming off as quickly as it used to. I've made a schedule, since it's summer and I don't want to get off track. However, I'd still like to lose 2 pounds a week, but I can settle for 1 pound a week.

Anyways, I am thinking about increasing my daily 30 minute workout to 45 minutes, and when I weigh myself next week, I'll see if I'm 2 pounds lighter than I am now.

Do you think it will work? And why is it so hard for me to drop the last 11 pounds?

回答 (16)

2007-06-28 2:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is called a plateau, and it happens to almost everybody during a diet, some people even stop losing completely for a week or two. It should pick up again.

The last ten pounds are always the hardest. The closer you get to your goal weight, the fewer calories it takes to support the weight you are carrying, so weight loss naturally slows down. Increasing your exercise may help and if your daily calorie intake isn't too low already, you could try cutting one or two hundred more out. Don't do that if it would take you too low though, since you'll just increase the chances of regaining the weight once you go "off" the diet. I hope you have plans for a maintenance diet once you get down to your goal weight and don't plan to go back to the way you were eating before.
2007-06-28 2:30 pm
You must be getting very close to your ideal weight and I don't mean the chart ideal. Our bodies have a set point and want to maintain it regardless if one is too skinny or too fat. Taking off the last few pounds just to reach a particular number might not be worth all the anxiety. You might be better off to just do toning exercises to make your self look smaller. Also keep in mind that if you have been doing regular exercise you may very well have built muscle mass while losing fat and maybe you don't need to lose eleven more pounds. Don't look at the number on the scale, look at the numbers on the measuring tape and the results will be more effective. Trying to reach the goal you mention isn't worth agonizing over if you look better than you did, you feel better than you did and you know for sure that you are healthier than when you started. Do a quick check in with your doctor and have him check your BP and cholesterol...if those are good then worries. You could very well be to a place where all you need to do is tone up everything; a good way to do that is with Yoga. Doesn't cost anything and it is good stretch that will also help you relax and not stress about it so much. Sounds like you are doing great!!!
2007-06-28 2:23 pm
Once you lose a certain amount, you "plateau" and the weight takes longer to come off.

BUT you sound like you are doing QUITE WELL with your diet regimen.

Just don't overdo th exercise and please do not take diuretics in excess becauz they will mess up your muscles -- remember, your heart is a muscle too.

Best wishes.
2016-06-02 8:16 pm
Don't just have there! Do squats while scrubbing your teeth, calf raises although standing in line, or lunges while chatting within the phone.
2016-02-26 7:56 am
Don't just endure there! Do squats while scrubbing your teeth, calf raises while standing in line, or lunges while chatting on the phone.
2007-06-28 4:11 pm

I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it. The results were excellent and I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I felt fantastic and I dropped another 5 pounds safely. That's why I recommend you check this product at where they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Good luck!
2007-06-28 2:30 pm
It really depends on what you are in-taking every day. you see, losing weight is only a symptom. You really should look into your fat proportion in your body because you can say are in a health confition.

To reach your gaol, you may visit the following website. you will find a lot of useful information there. (the site is in Chinese now, but the Engish version will be out in a month).

Please add "/shapeshake? after .com as yahoo always trancates the last few letters.

I myself lost 27 pounds in 3 months and I spent only a little money on it. I am working as a weight-control professional now and I am coming over to Singapore in two weeks for a conference. I would like to share my experience with you.

Please, do take a look at the website. You will find a lot of live examples there. Do fill in the form at the website so that we can get to know more about your eating habits, contact phone number, etc.

Or if you don't know Chinese, just send me your email address so that I can send you the questionnaire in English instead.

Hope to see you soon and good luck!
2007-06-28 2:24 pm
try trimpsa only if ur way over weight though.Ive heard it works miracles but some people dont like pills so heres an alternative(the basics)lipo(costly and only for really overweight)and finally exercising and a balanced diet.It seems that ur trying hard to burn of that weight but from experiance(not with me but from helping my dad)i saw that he constantly worked out and exercised but then just came home and grabbed a hamburger and fries.But after he started eating healthy and exercising combined he lost a lot of weight.If you really want it you can achieve it.Whether it means never eating fast food again
2007-06-28 2:20 pm
You might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well.
2007-06-28 2:20 pm
Sometimes it is hard to drop the last few pounds. Working out 45 minutes instead of 30 should help. Look at what you are eating and see if you need to make any changes. You can find calorie charts online to check your calories. Something you are eating might be higher in calories then you realize. Also, drink lots of water. That is supposed to help with weight loss.

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