
2007-06-29 7:00 am


回答 (3)

2007-06-29 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
用CON出事好多時都係因清潔不足有細菌所致,因眼睛好脆弱, 一有D咩事可以致盲又無嘢可以PLANTED-IN, TRANSFER 比你.....
即棄個D我都用緊, 但有以下幾點要注意:
1) 唔好慳, 用完搵藥水再浸再用
2) 帶上眼手指,手要清乾淨,及會TOUCH到CON的嘢(EG: 夾CON 夾)都要用藥水或生理鹽水沖沖先好用
3)唔好帶太長, 如朝7晚12,對眼會缺氧, 同你帶全訓教無分別
4) 唔好成日擦眼睛
5) 帶一排後,留意自己會否怕光,多眼水, 眼痛或紅....要小心可能發炎...
2007-06-29 7:17 am
I wear contact lens more than twenty years, and I have 近視 more than 1000 degree.
If you want to wear the contact lens, the optical company will give you try first. In the first time, I wore them only less than one hours in the optical company, then on the next week, I wore them more than one hours, the time of wearing the contact lens increase few hours a week then until a months, I could wear it for the whole day.
But you should have good personal hygenie and follow the procedures, for example, you should not wear too long hours in the first month, you should wash your hand completely before touching the contact lens. You should not re-use contact lens if they are disposable, or you should complete clean the contact lens for non-disposable type.Don't forget to check the eye more freqently at the optical shop or doctor in the first year.

The above information is just my personal experience. You can consult the professional if you are worry about it.
2007-06-29 7:16 am
我同你度數差唔多...都戴左十幾年...係以前懶,洗con唔乾淨令隻眼發過炎之外都冇咩特別問題出現過....宜家我戴one day就仲方便左,隻眼都冇再發炎嘞...度蜈9高低同危險度冇關既

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